Sustainability at Printec-DS


As part of our management and quality management system, we are committed to making a joint contribution to our environment. Self-defined indicators for sustainability, which we monitor annually, help us to make our processes more efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly.

With our own solar power plant, we are able to produce a third of our total electricity needs ourselves. This means that we avoid between 75 and 90 tons of CO2 per year.

Throughout our company, we separate waste into sorted waste and mixed waste. Every year we increase our quota of single-origin, recyclable waste such as paper, cardboard and green waste. Furthermore, we manufacture the filling material for the packaging of our products from old cardboard boxes ourselves and thus continue to reduce the waste generated throughout the company.

We also apply the same standards in the development of our products. When designing and developing, we make sure to use environmentally friendly and, where possible, recyclable materials. Not only our own manufacturing and assembly processes are regularly reassessed and optimized. The value-adding processes of our suppliers are also regularly checked and examined for sustainability and thus for sustainable profitability through personal contact.